Technical Diving
Cave Diving
This course is for those who hold a Full Cave Diver license. The landscapes and experiences that only cave divers can see are spread out extensively in the underground world of the Yucatan Peninsula, the mecca of cave diving. Our instructors, who are well-versed in this land and cave diving, will bring out the full charm of each cave with precise navigation and excellent guiding skills. We will coordinate your diving plan according to your level and objectives. (Stage cave diving, DECO diving, and CCR cave diving are available. Please consult us first.)
The Price | $250 usd~ (*the price varies depending on the tour.)
フルケーブダイバーライセンスをお持ちの方向けのコース。 ケーブダイバーだからこそ見ることの出来る景色と経験が、ケーブダイビングのメッカ、本場のユカタン半島の地下には縦横無尽に広がっています。この土地やケーブダイビングに精通したインストラクターが、各ケーブの魅力を十二分に引き出し、正確なナビゲーションと卓越したガイド力で皆様を魅了致します。皆様のレベルや目的に合わせて、ダイビングプランをコーディネートいたします。(ステージケーブダイビング、DECOダイビング、CCRケーブダイビング対応可。まずは、ご相談下さい。)
Various Caves
Full Cave Diver Certification
This package consists of three courses: Cavern, Intro to Cave, and Full Cave. Diving in overhead environments beyond the realm of recreational diving involves greater risks and may not appeal to everyone. However, we are here to help you safely enjoy this vast and beautiful world, which is far more expansive and stunning than you can imagine from the entrance. We start by enhancing your basic skills. Based on experience and updated information, we guide you to become a cave diver with sufficient technical skills, knowledge, and the right confidence. The Yucatan Peninsula offers an ideal environment with thousands of adjacent caves in various patterns, making it an attractive place for training and gaining experience. (Minimum 10 days/approximately 8 hours per day)
3つのコース(カバーン / イントロトゥケーブ / フルケーブ)で構成されたパッケージとなっております。レジャーダイビングの域を超えた頭上閉塞環境でのダイビングは、より多くのリスクを伴い、万人受けするダイビングではないかもしれません。ですが、入り口からは全く想像もつかないほど遥かに広大で美しいその世界を、より安全な方法で楽しんで頂くために私たちがいます。基礎スキルの底上げからスタート。経験とアップデートされた情報をもとに、皆様を十分に技術と知識が伴い正しい自信を兼ね備えたケーブダイバーへと導きます。ここユカタン半島では様々なパターンの洞窟が数千と隣接した恵まれた環境で、トレーニングや経験を積めることがなによりも魅力的です。(最低10日間/1日約8時間)
Pre-Participation Requirements: Minimum of 100 logged dives.
If additional time is needed based on your progress, an extra fee of $275 USD per day will apply.
Two e-learning courses required for knowledge acquisition are $180 USD each (1. Cavern Diver / 2. TDI Overhead Environment).
Certification is entirely dependent on your performance and learning, and is not guaranteed.
Depending on whether you wish to simultaneously enroll in the Sidemount Diver License Course, the duration can be extended to 12 days (*additional fees apply).
Free use of Enriched Air Nitrox 32% (limited to those with certification).
参加前条件 - 最低確認可能な経験本数100本
知識の習得に必要な2つのEラーニング(オンライン学習)は各$180usd(1. カバーンダイバー / 2. TDIオーバーヘッド環境)
エンリッチドエアナイトロックス32% 使用無料(資格所有者の方に限り)
Let's take a step into the world of technical diving with a Sidemount course. Learn about the mechanics of Sidemount and how to manage multiple tanks, and discover all the advantages of diving with Sidemount. In a course that can be completed in as little as 4 days, instructors will guide your diving career to a new level.
Let's explore the benefits of diving with Nitrox ranging from 21% to 100% without the need for decompression. This serves as the foundation for the Decompression Procedures course and is a minimum of 4 days in duration.
21%から100%までのNITROXを使用した減圧不要のダイビングの利点を見つけましょう。これはDecompression Procedures(減圧手順)コースへの基盤ともなる、最低4日間のコースです。
"DECO" If you want to discover what lies beyond the limits of recreational diving, to explore deeper... this course is for you. Reach depths you have never reached before and fall in love with the wonders of the deep. Our course lasts 4 days and requires prior training in ADVANCED NITROX and a minimum number of previous dives to enroll in this course.
「DECO」 レクリエーショナルダイビングの限界を超えて、さらに深くを探求したい方に最適なコースです。これまで到達したことのない深さに挑戦し、深海の驚異に魅了されてみませんか?コースは4日間で、参加にはアドバンスドナイトロックスの事前トレーニングと一定のダイビング経験が必要です。
Be safer and get even farther or deeper in your dives by learning how to safely use multiple tanks during your cave dives , with a minimum duration of 4 days and a needed previous Cave Dive formation.
Technical Diving Certification Options
Why Mayan Underworld?
All Inclusive Price
All equipment rental, tank fees, transportation costs, cenote entrance fees, light meals, drinks, and guide fees are included in the price.
Solo divers are very welcome!
We warmly welcome participants from solo travelers.
Multilingual staff accompany you
We provide language support with staff fluent in Japanese, Spanish, English, Italian, and French accompanying you on your dives.